Storing a Box in Shelf

Tips on Storing Away Your Model Train Set

Model trains are a great hobby for all ages, but they can also take up a lot of space! Storing your model train set when it’s not in use is important to keep everything in pristine condition, and it allows you more space to try out a new model train setup. Follow these tips for easy model train storage that will protect every piece of the set until you’re ready to set it up again. 


Your model train should be thoroughly cleaned before it’s stored. Otherwise, you could be storing your train with dust, dirt, and grime that can compromise its appearance over time. Most trains can be cleaned with a gentle dusting brush or cotton ball, but a gentle conservation cleaner mixture can be used for stubborn areas of dirt and dust. Carefully remove any tape and non-original stickers that have been added to the train before storing. 

Packing & Boxing

Before you start putting your train set into boxes, take some time to add a buffering layer of non-acidic tissue paper. This will prevent the pieces from scratching or rubbing against one another or against the box, which can cause damage to the train. 

Once everything has been properly wrapped, carefully place the items into a non-acidic box. Standard cardboard boxes can become acidic over time, which is why we recommend purchasing non-acidic boxes designed specifically for model train storage. This also gives you the ability to purchase custom-sized boxes to fit your train set perfectly. 

Storing a Box in Shelf

Choosing the Right Location

Once everything has been boxed up, it’s time to decide where you’ll store the boxes. Avoid areas that are close to water pipes, windows, and your roof. Storing items in the attic or near water lines can mean disaster if there’s an unexpected leak, while windows will expose the storage box to too much sunlight. 


You should also avoid areas with high humidity levels. Basements, bathrooms, and kitchens are notoriously humid. That moisture in the air can result in severe damage and even mold on your model train pieces. Finally, avoid spaces that don’t maintain a consistent temperature. The garage or outdoor storage shed might seem like a good place to store something, but fluctuating temperatures ranging from extremely hot to extremely cold will compromise your model train set. 


Try to find a location that’s not too bright while maintaining a consistent temperature and moisture levels. A bedroom closet, for example.


Get more advice on how to extend the life of your model train and purchase the storage materials you need by contacting Charles Ro today! Whether you’ve just purchased your first train set or you’re an experienced conductor, we’ve got what you need for safe storage. 

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